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February 2012

Is Your landing Page Costing You Customers?

By | Local SEO, SEO Tools, Uncategorized, Web Development | No Comments

Tips on Optimizing Your Landing Page.

It’s estimated that 30 percent of visitors who land on any given website’s landing page bounce off within mere seconds.

This may be eye-opening for some eMarketers while others may be painfully aware of the bounce epidemic. No matter what your level of awareness, if you have a website, your bottom line is being affected by the number of visitors who are paying you little more than a passing glance. Here are a few simple steps you can take to reduce your landing page bounce rate, thereby increasing your chances for a successful conversion:


Watch Your Wordage

The more words, the better, right? That may be what you learned in English class, but it certainly doesn’t apply to web marketing. You need to get your brand’s message across in the fewest number of words possible. Considering the way web users scan text these days, you’ll be lucky if they actually read more than a sentence or two. Bottom line? Focus on quality, not quantity.

Find the Sweet Spot

For your buttons, that is. Be sure that your visitor knows what to do next on your landing page by making call-to-action buttons eye-catching and above the fold.

Be Relevant

Last but certainly not least, I suggest that the most important thing you can do to decrease bounce rates is to make the content on your page relevant to distinct segments of your target audience. Website optimization services from allow you to make your landing page content dynamic, giving each user a customized experience. The more relevant your content is to visitors, the more likely they will be to continue down the path of conversion.

To Learn how we can help your business – Call or email my team at 1-855-WEB-1001 – [email protected]
